Food Collection Sunday

First Presbyterian Church 300 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, United States

Hunger Relief is an important part of First Presbyterian’s mission in our community. Each month your generosity makes a real difference to hundreds of people who depend on the food banks […]

3B Fitness Class

McKay Hall 300 West Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, United States

3B (Body, Brain, and Belief) A lifetime fitness class sponsored by Smock Senior Adult Ministries geared toward flexibility, balance, and strengthening of those muscles we use every day. 3B classes […]

3B Fitness Class

McKay Hall 300 West Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, United States

3B (Body, Brain, and Belief) A lifetime fitness class sponsored by Smock Senior Adult Ministries geared toward flexibility, balance, and strengthening of those muscles we use every day. 3B classes […]

Sunday Worship

McMillen Chapel 300 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, United States

For this holiday weekend the English language service will move to 9:30am in the Chapel.  The Korean language service remains at 11:00am in the Chapel. Both will be livestreamed as […]

3B Fitness Class

McKay Hall 300 West Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, United States

3B (Body, Brain, and Belief) A lifetime fitness class sponsored by Smock Senior Adult Ministries geared toward flexibility, balance, and strengthening of those muscles we use every day. 3B classes […]

Communion Sunday

First Presbyterian Church 300 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, United States

Coffee with the Pastors

First Presbyterian Church 300 West Wayne Street, Fort Wayne, United States

Want to learn more about the church, the pastors, and our programs?  Please RSVP the church office.

3B Fitness Class

McKay Hall 300 West Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN, United States

3B (Body, Brain, and Belief) A lifetime fitness class sponsored by Smock Senior Adult Ministries geared toward flexibility, balance, and strengthening of those muscles we use every day. 3B classes […]