The FPC Music Series will present due-organists Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault in concert on Sunday, April 23, at 4:00 PM.
Named “the World’s Premiere Duo-Organ Team” by The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault have concertized extensively throughout the United States and Europe. Specializing in works written for two performers, The Chenaults have commissioned, arranged and premiered over seventy organ duets, thereby making a significant historical contribution to this slighted area of organ literature. Because of their unique and refreshing repertoire, combined with their exciting and sensitive artistry, the Chenaults are in demand as recitalists and have extablished themselves as America’s leading duo-organists.
The concert is free and open to the public, and will be held in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church Fort Wayne. Contact the church at 260-426-7421 for more information.