Local Missions


    Local Missions supported by First Presbyterian Church:

Hunger Relief

Food is collected the third Sunday of each month for emergency food banks at United Faith Presbyterian Church, East Wayne Street Center, and Wellspring Social Services.  In addition, budgeted church mission funds are used to purchase  additional food .

woman shown preparing meal in First Presbyterian Church

On the third weekend of every month, a group of church volunteers prepares and serves over 150 Sunday evening meals for the downtown Rescue Mission. The Mission and the church welcome all to enjoy the home-cooked meal. The homeless, the working poor, families, and singles, all are encouraged to come. The fourth Monday of every month, we prepare and serve a meal for the residents of St. Joseph’s Womens Shelter. Four times each year, we supply meals to the Just Neighbors shelter for homeless families. First Pres also supports Project 216, sending meals around the world. During the six weeks of Lent, we have a Fish and Loaves food collection.

Children’s Clothing Collection

The Board of Deacons is supporting a clothing drive for needy children, grades K-12, in the Fort Wayne Community Schools. We seek donations of gently used clothing, new underwear and socks, soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste and brushes. They are always in short supply. Please help! The clothing bank is also very grateful for any monetary contributions, and a tax form can be provided. You have been so supportive over the past years and have given with joy, and it has been received joyfully. If you have any questions, please call Annelie Collie at 485-6687.

Study Connection

Our Study Connection program provides tutors who can devote an hour a week to encourage a South Wayne Elementary student both academically and personally. These students arrive at 3:15pm every Monday for one hour, and we have snacks, read, and practice basic math facts. More importantly, the students benefit from one-on-one time with a caring adult. We need new volunteers to work with children in grades 1-5. Please consider volunteering. Call or text  (260) 437-0584 or e-mail Kathy Adair at steveandkathya@gmail.com with any questions.

Eyeglasses, Hearing Aids, Cell Phones

Collection boxes are located in the Small Dining Room for your no-longer-used eyeglasses, hearing aids, and cell phones.

Education Scholarships, Loans, and Grants

First Presbyterian offers $1,000 scholarships to qualifying members and children of members who are pursuing degree-directed post-secondary education. In addition, loans are available for those seeking church-related vocations and for staff needing assistance for graduate work. Applications, obtainable from the Financial Office, are due April 1 each year.

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